中国社会科学院 世界经济与政治研究所 国际金融研究室
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国际货币体系改革 人民币国际化 区域金融合作
新加坡东南亚研究所(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, ISEAS)访问学者(1999.3-6)
美国加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis, UCD)访问学者(1996.9- 1997.9)
经济学学士,北京大学(1982.9- 1986.7)
经济学硕士,北京大学(1986.9- 1989.1)
MSc International Money, Finance and Investment University of Durham, U.K(2001. 9- 2002.9)
British Council Chevening Scholarship (Oct. 01-Oct. 02)
World Bank Fellowship (Mar. 99- Jun. 99,)
Ford Foundation Scholarship (Sept. 96-Sept. 97)
《国际金融体系:改革与重建》(合著者:张明、刘东民和徐奇渊)中国社会科学出版社 2013年。
《全球化与中国:理论与发展趋势》(合著者:余永定和路爱国)经济管理出版社 2010年。
《全球视角下的人民币汇率》主编 中国财政经济出版社 2008年。
1.“布雷顿森林遗产与国际金融体系改革”《世界经济与政治》2015年第3期, pp4-29
2. “Convertibility as a step for the RMB internationalization” Economic Change and Restructuring, March 2013, Volume 46, Issue 1, pp 71-84.
3.“The RMB Internationalization, Capital Account Opening and Chinese Domestic Financial Reform”Review of International Affair, Vol. LXIV, No. 1152, October–December 2013.
4.“安倍经济学经济增长战略的目标、内容和评价”(合作者:陈思翀)《国际经济评论》 2013年5期。
6.“The RMB Internationalisation” (co-author Yu Yongding) in Currency Internationalisation: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis and Prospects for the Future in Asia and the Pacific, BIS Papers No 61, January 2012.
7.“Is China ready to open its capital account?” (co-author Ulrich Volz), 29th March, 2012 , //www.eastasiaforum.org.
10.“人民币成为国际货币的前景”《世界经济与政治》2010/9, p149-154。
12.“Internationalisation of the Renminbi and Its Implications for Monetary Policy”, in Currency Internationalsation: Global Experiences and Implications for the Renminbi, Edited by Wensheng Peng and Chang Shu ,Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Publishers Limited, England, 2009 pp209-214.
13.“中国在亚洲区域金融合作中的作用”《国际经济评论》2009/03, p25-33。
14. “当前全球美元本位:问题及东亚区域解决方案”《世界经济与政治》2008/1, p69-77。
15.“金融全球化与国际金融体系:对东亚的挑战”《当代亚太》 2008/2 总第158期,p44-61。
16.“最优货币区:对东亚国家的检验”《世界经济》2007/7, p3-12。
17.“Real Exchange Rate in China: A Long-run Perspective” China & World Economy, Volume 14, Number 4, July-August 2006.
19.“A Roadmap for Policy Dialogue and Economic Surveillance in East Asia” China & World Economy, Volume 13, Number 4, Jul.-Aug. 2005.
21.“Toward a Financial Architecture in East Asia” China & World Economy, Volume 12, Number 3, May-June 2004.
23.“美元汇率与美国‘双赤字’”《国际金融研究》,2004/01, p33-35。
26.“Exchange Rate Policy: Possible Choices for China and Other Asian Economies” China & World Economy, Volume 8, Number 4, July-August 2000.
27.“Liberalising Chinas Capital Account: Lessons Drawn from Thailand's Experience Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, ISEAS Working Papers by Visiting Researchers, No 6 (2000) .
1.Roundtable Discussion “The Role of China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone in the Process of China’s Capital Account Liberalization” Chatham House, London, 1st July 2014.
2.“Financial and Monetary Cooperation: Drives, Institutions and Role of think tank” Second Asia Think Tank Summit: Promoting Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration,jointly organized by ADBI and University of Pennsylvania, 20-22 May 2014, Tokyo.
3. “The Third Plenum and Its Implication for the Chinese Economy” The 23rd IIMA symposium on global finance and economies “Toward a True Dawn --Challenges and Policies for World Economic Growth”, 2014.03.19, Tokyo.
4. “The Impact of Euro Debt Crisis on the Chinese Economy” EU-Asia Centre “The 9th EU-China Think Tank Roundtable”, October 24 2012, Brussels.
5.Panel discussion on “Asian bond Market: Japanese Yen vs. Chinese Renminbi”, JSDA and Work Bank conference on “The Involving Japanese Capital Markets’, October 12 2012, Tokyo.
6.Panel discussant, IIMA conference on “The Internationalization of the RMB and the Future of the Tokyo Financial Market”, October 11 2012, Tokyo.
7.Panel discussion on “Towards a Multi-polar Reserve Currency System; The Role of Creditors and Debtors in the World Economy” at the “World Banking and Finance Summit 2012- Managing Economic Transformation in a World of Creditors and Debtors” organised by OMFIF and Lafferty Group, June 26-27 2012, London.
8.China’s Contributions to the World Economy and Their Roadmaps as a Major Global Player”, The IIMA International Financial Symposium “Seeking Paths to Restore Confidence in the Global Economy” March 15 2012, Tokyo.
9.“Comment on Iwan Azis’s paper: Regional and Global Financial Safety Nets for Financial Stability”, Korean MOF (PRI) and ADBI joint conference on Achieving Financial Stability - Lessons from the Eurozone Crisis for Macroeconomic and Financial Stability, March 14, 2012, Tokyo.
10.“Understanding the Strategy of RMB Internationalization”, Global Central Bank Conference on Rebalance between the West and the East, 14 September 2011, Luxembourg.
11.“A3: Liquidity Support and Swap Lines” Joint CASS (China), RIETI (Japan) and EAMI (Korea) meeting on “A3 Triangle Initiative on Monetary and Financial Cooperation for Korea, China and Japan”, Co-organized by NEAR Foundation, June 2 2011, Seoul.
12.“The Internationalization of the RMB” Lecture at IAI-Global Outlook Seminar, 27 May 2011, Rome.
13.“Reforming financial Regulation and International Monetary System: Prospects of RMB to Become an International Currency”, FT and French Embassy in London Second Conference “G20: A Silent Revolution in Global Governance Reforming, 12 April 2011, London.
14.“Dealing with Capital Flows—a Perspective of China”, at the launch event of Chatham House report of “Global Economic Governance in a World of Crisis”, 11 April 2011, London.
15.“Regional Financial Arrangement as a Complement to Global Ones “, Colombia University and CUFE conference “Reforming the Global Reserve System”, March 18-19 2011, Beijing.
16.Comment on Kanit Sangsubhan’s paper ”Regional Financial Safety Net” at ASEAN+3 Finance Ministries and Central Banks Meeting “The Future Vision of ASEAN+3 Financial Cooperation” Organized by Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea and Korea Capital Market Institute, February 11 2011, Seoul.
17.Comment on papers by Agnes Benassay-Quere (CPEII) and Jean Pisani-Ferry (Bruegel), Masahiro Kawai (ADBI) and Shinji Takagi (Osaka University) and Yoon Je Cho at the session of “International Financial System: Towards a New Era”, AEEF conference “G20: Completing the Agenda”, January 11-12, 2011, Paris.
18. “The Multilateralisation of the Chiang Mai Initiative” CUFE, InWEnt and DIE joint conference “Regional Financial and Regulatory Cooperation: Chinese – European Dialogue” 23 - 24 September 2010, Beijing.
19.“East Asian Financial Cooperation in Response to Post-crisis Challenge” Reporting to the Working Group, NEAT 8th Annual Conference, 23-24 August 2010, Manila.
20.“Prospects of the RMB to Become an International Currency” The 19th IIMA International Financial Symposium “Exploring Optimal International Monetary Regimes beyond the Crisis- Perspectives on Global Currencies and Challenges for Asia”, 18 March 2010, Tokyo.
21.“China to Play a Meaningful Role in Rebalancing” Bretton Woods Project conference on “Recovery toward What? Finance, Justice, Sustainability” 6 November 2009, London.
22.“Regional Macroeconomic and Financial Cooperation” InWEnt-DIE Dialogue on Global Financial Governance –Challenges and Regional Responses, September 3-4 2009 Berlin.
23.“How Far is the CMIM from a Regional Monetary Fund?” NEAT the 5th Annual Conference, May 29 2009, Beijing.
24. “Understanding China’s Role in a New Global Financial Governance” Italian Institute of International Affairs (IAI) and Institute for Relations between Italy and Africa, Latin America, and Middle and Far East (IPALMO) conference “From the G20 to the G8: Rethinking Global Governance”, May 21 2009, Rome.
25.“China’s Capital Flows with Asia and Regional Policy Response” Joint CASS and EABER conference “Asian Economic Integration: Financial and macroeconomic Issues”, May 13 2009, Beijing.
26. “China’s Financial Contribution to Global Recovery” Chatham House – Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong SAR Government conference “Preparing for the Global Recovery: the Role of Financial Markets in Asia”, 23 March 2009, Hong Kong.
27. “China’s Financial Contribution to the Correction of Sino-US Imbalance” Brookings- Tsinghua Center, January 10 2009, Beijing.
28. “Asian Financial Cooperation: a Solution to International Financial Instability” Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia, Asian Development Bank and Centre for Strategic and International Studies joint conference “Emerging Asian Regionalism: Trends and Challenges”, 10 October 2008, Jakarta.
29.“Global Dollar Standard: Challenge for Asian Financial Integration” Lecture at WIIW, 3 October 2008, Vienna.
30.“The US Subprime Crisis and Asian Financial Integration” The 10th International Conference on Globalization and Development problems, 3-7 March 2008, Havana.
40. “Internationalization of the Renminbi and Its Implications for Monetary Policy” BIS and HKMA joint conference “External Use of Currency: International Experience and Implications for Renminbi”, October 15-16 2007, Hong Kong.
43. “Understanding RMB Exchange Rate from a Long-run Perspective” Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Conference Center “New Monetary and Exchange-Rate Arrangements for East Asia”, May 22-27, 2006, Bellagio.
45. “Policy Dialogue and Economic Surveillance in East Asia”ASEAN+3 Research Group Wrap-up Meeting, 23-24 February 2005, Beijing.
46. “Toward a Financial Architecture in East Asia: A Proposed Roadmap” Reporting to the ASEAN+3 Research Group Workshop, 16 March 2004, Manila.